Saturday, July 8, 2017

Another chick attack - 2017

A young lady with a flock nearby was having trouble with her Black Australorp, Mel. She was being relentlessly picked on by the rest of her flock. I agreed to take her in. Indeed, she was in rough shape. Her back was missing quite a few feathers and had a big bald spot; same with the back of her neck.

This seems REALLY stupid now but I put her in with Barb and Donna in their introduction to the rest of the flock home.

Once again, when I got home from work, it was chaos. Barb and Donna were bleeding on the top of their heads and Donna looked like she was going to lose an eye. Mel was still in the enclosure. So, did Barb and Donna get out, then something got them? Or was Mel picking on them? I'll never know.

In any event, I cleaned Barb and Donna's wounds and slathered them with antibiotic ointment. They've healed up nicely, though Donna will probably never grow feathers on the top of her head.

Mel, in the meantime, is a very nice hen who runs out to greet me.

So I don't get it? Is Mel the perpetrator? Or the nice hen she appears to be?

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