Sunday, September 9, 2012

Use your imagination on this one

Two men working on electrical. One daughter only somewhat engaged. Three dogs. One dentist and vet appointment. And a Chicken Coop Tour going on. That's why I have no photos to post! We had probably over 100 people stop by yesterday - a steady stream of people, from apartment dwellers with plans for the future to fellow coop owners. Questions about insulation. Questions about roosters. Funny stories about roosters. Questions about noise. Smell. Breed-specific questions. Information on hand-mixed feed. All kinds of questions and all kinds of information. Even invitations to parties!

It was a gorgeous, 70-something day and lots of fun. At one point, every person in the yard was wearing a coop tour T-shirt. That's the picture I wish I had taken - so pretend that's what you're seeing here. Good times!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Marcy did the art work

It's true. We geek out all over the Twin Cities with the Chicken Coop Tour. What the heck. It's all for fun.

Here is the artwork my daughter created for the T-shirts. (Yes, we even print up T-shirts!)

Marcy drew the art for our T-shirts.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fall 2012 Twin Cities Chicken Coop Tour this Saturday!

We're finally going to be be on the tour, not just going to visit other coops.

This is how our Facebook page turned out. I made Smirnoff the star of the show.

Blanche continues as usual

Hanging out just outside the run and sleeping in her loft, Blanche continues her lifelong mean streak, unfazed by the crows and unaffected by West Nile.

Observation: the meanest birds live the longest.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Now the hawks Blanche the crows

Three juvenile hawks and the gang of crows were going at it this morning. The crows, as usual, were doing their heckling thing. And the hawks were going all Blanche on them. (See Blanche attack post.) The hawks wanted to get some baby squirrels but the crows wouldn't let them. In any event, there was a lot of cawing and chasing, including talons out front, this morning. I don't know what these crows are up to but I can't blame Blanche for opening up a can of you-know-what of them.
Two of the three in the Hawks vs Crows show down this morning.